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How to Restore a Canceled Subscription on Ultimate Guitar: Step-by-Step Instructions
How to Restore a Canceled Subscription on Ultimate Guitar: Step-by-Step Instructions
Written by Andy Miller
Updated over 3 months ago

Wrong account

You might be logged in to the wrong free account or not logged in at all. If you purchased a subscription, but the app or website doesn't recognize it, please make sure you log in to the same account that was used to purchase a subscription.

Reactivate an expired subscription

If you once purchased a subscription in our iOS or Android app, but then canceled it, you can reactivate it:

  1. Navigate to the Profile section (upper right corner of your screen).

  2. Tap Restore purchases.

Note, you should log in to your account before you restore your subscription. Otherwise, it'll get attached to the device you're restoring it on and you won't be able to use it on multiple devices.

One-device subscription

As mentioned before, if you're logged out of your account when you purchase a subscription in the iOS or Android app, it gets attached to your device only and you can't use it on other devices or our website.

Restore purchase also allows you to link your iOS or Android subscription to your account.

Lost Lifetime Pro

If you purchased a Lifetime Pro before February 2017 but lost your access, find a receipt of the purchase (how to find a receipt if you purchased in App Store, Google Play) and send it to us at [email protected].

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