Note. Please make sure that you restore the correct subscription
UG Pro/UG Courses/UG Sing/UG Practice/UG Songbooks are different services and require separate subscriptions
Wrong account
If you purchased a subscription but the app doesn't recognize it, please make sure you log in to your Pro account. You might be logged in to the wrong free version or not logged in at all.
Reactivate a previous subscription
If you purchased a subscription in our iOS app but then canceled it, you can reactivate it in the Settings β Restore purchase.
Note: you should log in to your account before you restore your subscription. Otherwise, it'll get attached to the device you're restoring it on, and you won't be able to use it on multiple devices.
Cross-platform subscription
If you're logged out when you purchase a subscription in the app, it gets attached to your device.
In this case, you need to create an account manually:
Go to Settings.
Tap on Sign up.
Go to Settings again.
Tap on Restore purchases.
Restore purchase in Settings helps you to link your iOS or Android subscription to your new account.
Lost Lifetime Pro
If you purchased a Lifetime Pro before February 2018 but lost your access, find a receipt of the purchase (you can do it through the App Store or Google Play) and send it to us at [email protected].